Hold My Hand (But Not Too Tight)

Public Displays of Affection (PDA) are one of those topics that get people talking—sometimes even judging! From kissing to holding hands and sharing moments online, expressing love in public has totally evolved.
What was once seen as taboo is now a lot more common, especially with Gen Z leading the charge.
Back in the Day: PDA = Public Shaming?
Let’s rewind to a time when PDA was basically a public service announcement to all your relatives, friends, and maybe even that one old neighbor who just “happened” to be around. PDA used to be all about keeping things private—like really private. You’d see couples holding hands, but only when no one’s watching and anything beyond that would get some serious side-eyes. Parents would be quick to remind you about “proper behavior” and some people might even call you out for being “too bold” if you shared a kiss or a hug in public.
But it wasn’t just about the judgment—it was about respect. Respect for family values, religious beliefs, and the general unspoken rule that affection should stay behind closed doors.
Fast forward to now... things are a little different.
Now: PDA? Yes, Please!
Fast forward to today and PDA is much more chill. Holding hands while walking around a mall? Totally normal. A kiss on the cheek or forehead at a cafe? Cute. A selfie with your partner on a date night? Absolutely. In fact, PDA is so much more normalized that it’s become part of the daily social media scroll. Whether you’re seeing it IRL or on Instagram, showing affection in public is slowly but surely becoming the norm.
The shift is thanks to the younger crowd, especially Gen Z, who are all about breaking old-school taboos. We’re talking about couples sharing their love in real life and online. And you know what? It feels like a big step forward in accepting love in all its forms.
Let’s talk about gender for a second. Historically, PDA has come with a hefty dose of gender norms. For a lot of the past, it was totally chill for guys to show affection in public, but women? Not so much. Women had to “keep it proper” and were often expected to show affection in more reserved ways. A hug was okay, but a kiss in public? Nope, better save that for private.
It’s been a pretty long-standing idea that men could express love openly, while women had to play it a little more conservative. This led to a lot of inequality when it came to public affection. Luckily, we’re seeing that change!
Today? More and more women are confidently expressing love in public. Whether it’s holding hands, stealing a kiss, or hugging their partner, women are doing PDA their way—no shame involved. And it's not just about heteronormative relationships anymore. Same-sex couples are also showing up and showing love, which is so important for inclusivity.
The LGBTQIA+ community has definitely been instrumental in breaking down these barriers, and it's about time! People are realizing that affection is for everyone, no matter who you love or how you show it.
PDA: Now with Filters and Captions
If you think PDA is just about holding hands and kissing in public, think again. In today’s world, PDA also means posting those cute couple pics on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. We live in a time where you might post a selfie with your partner and add the cutest captions, and it’s practically the new normal. So, instead of a quick kiss in a park, you’re more likely to see couples sharing their moments online in real-time.
Social media has made PDA more public—and more personal. Couples are not just kissing or holding hands; they’re posting stories, TikTok dances and real-time relationship updates. But hey, there’s a flip side to all this social media PDA. While it’s super cute to post about your relationship, sometimes it feels like you’re doing it for the likes, the comments and the “relationship goals” hype.
It’s easy to get caught up in posting the “perfect” couple moments to keep up with what you see online. In reality, not every moment needs to be shared. PDA doesn’t always have to be a public spectacle.
Remember: You don't need an Instagram-worthy moment to prove your love. Real life affection is beautiful on its own, and you don’t need to “perform” for an audience.
Love Without Limits: A Step Toward Inclusivity
We’re not just talking about heteronormative relationships anymore. The rise of inclusivity and equality in relationships is shaping the future of PDA, making it more diverse, accepting, and free of judgment. The more we break down barriers and embrace love in all its forms, the more PDA will become something everyone can enjoy—whether online or in person.
PDA has come a long way (especially in the Philippines). What was once seen as inappropriate or taboo is now an everyday part of life, thanks to younger generations and social media. But while showing love in public is great, always remember to keep it respectful—and never feel pressured to “perform” for the likes. Whether you’re kissing in the park or posting a selfie, the most important thing is that your PDA feels genuine. So, go ahead—show some love, in public or online!
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